Swift Quit enables automatic quitting of macOS apps when closing their last window (clicking the red x). It can be configured to quit when the last window of any app closed, or restricted to a specific list of apps. Additionally, you can exclude apps you dont want to quit automatically.
Due to Apple sandbox restrictions you will need to perform a couple one-time steps to run this application.
If you just installed Swift Quit, you may need to log out and log back in. Also remember that Swift Quit must be running in order for auto-quit to work.
Yes, just click the plus button in setting and navigate to your applications folder and select an app that you want to exclude. It will not quit on the last window close.
Swift Quit is designed to close applications when the last window is closed just like Windows.
Please contact us at info@swiftquit.com, or create an issue on Github.
For Bugs or Feature Requests Email info@swiftquit.com